About TNW PPSh-41
Semi-auto replica of famous Georgi Semenovich Shpagin rifle that defend StaligradA Brief History of the PPSh-41 (Pistolet-Pulemyot Shpagina-1941) During WWII, Russia found itself needing a rapid fire Sub Machinegun (SMG) to counter the pitfalls of what is now known as urban warfare. The Russian leadership wanted a less expensive alternative to the Pistolet-Pulemyot Degtyaryova (PPD-40), which was a close copy of the German Bergman MP-18. Enter Georgi Semenovich Shpagin. Born in 1897 in the village of Klyuchnikovo to a peasant family, he was called into service around 1916 for the Russian Army and ultimately found his niche as an armorer in an infantry regiment. During the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-40, the Finns had considerable battlefield advantage over Shpagin's Comrades due to their employment of an established machine gun. The Soviet High Command gave immediate order to find a weapon to counter and ultimately turn the tide for the Mother Land. In early 1940, Shpagin delivered a prototype that was easily manufactured and based on a readily available military cartridge - the Tokarov 7.62x25. After extensive testing the Shpagin prototype stomped the competition and in July of 1941 production began in the face of the rapidly advancing German Army.
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