About Lebeau-Courally Chevalier C450BSHMSTR-24"
Available in all rifle calibres from .222 up to and including .600 NE and everything in between. This action design is so strong and stable that it can handle any pressure , and is therefore very well suited for extreme high pressure cartridges such as the ultra magnums. ACTION: Lebeau-Courally use the classic Hagn design , it is a tribute to his ingenuity and gunmaking skill. The action is ver slim, stable and elegant. Lebeau-Courally use 3 different sizes, mini, std , and magnum. In all cases they build the take down version with interupted trapezoid thread. This allows the barrel(s) to be taken from the action in seconds to make a very small package for traveling. The sccope is set up in a low pivot mount design that allows for changing of optics quickly and smoothly if so desired, and also for traveling. The action can be had with set trigger and ejector if desired. THE BARRELS: Chopper lump construction barrels of the highest quality steel. Lebeau-Courally start from rough slabs of steel that are deep hole drilled only and then rifled. These rough chopper lumps are then brought to specs in their barrel shop, length, weight, profile, internal O, all according to customer wishes whilst respecting minimum and maximum CIP and SAAMI rules. Laser pre-regulated, the lumps are then silver soldered together and the barrel loop is also silver soldered on the bottom tube . The lumps are then machined for the extractors and actions on which they will be jointed by hand with lamp smoke (tolerances of 1-1000 of a mm). Only then will the ribs be soldered on with a superior strength soft solder. The 1 rib is in one piece with the bases for the scope mount all made out of the same piece of steel to give maximum strength and stability. Lebeau-Courally regulates their double rifles themselves with ammunition of choice by the customer, the regulating is always done with optics to get the best possible result. WOOD: Lebeau-Courally personally select and buy wood annually and make sure that it is straight in the head and technically perfect. After reception in Lebeau-Courally factory the wood is weighed. This weight or weight change is then followed monthly for a full year to analyze the moisture degree. Only when they are convinced that the wood does not move anymore in weight do we know it is stable enough to work with, and the wood is then polished and prepared to be shown to customers for choosing. Customer has choice of stock and forend shape, stock dimensions are established on the shooting ground together with a certified internationally recognized gun fitter. Checkering is again to customers specs, as is wood finish. ENGRAVING: Liege has always produced some of the best engravers in the world. It is no secret that Liege engraver Corombelle introduced hand engraving in Italy, and Belgian engravers work for and with the most prestigious gun makers around the world. Basis for this is most certainly the gun making school, coupled with an incredible know how of gun engraving through experience of people like (alphabetical order) Hypolite Corombelle, Cecile Flohimont, Philippe Grifnee, Alain Lovenberg, etc ...the Liege style is recognizable, as it couples superior technique with creativity and beauty. Lebeau-Courally have 2 full time engravers in our factory that engrave our knives and guns. The gunmaker, Auguste Lebeau Courally, traces its own heritage in the gunmaking center of Liege, Belgium, back to 1865. Lebeau-Courally is one of the top names in a long line of quality Belgian gunmakers, which include Francotte, Bury and Duchateau. In the years since, they have built many guns for European royalty, including the Czar of Russia and the King of Spain. These guns are manufactured completely by hand using traditional methods to the highest standards. The best models require from 400 to 1000 hours of hand craftsmanship. All parts are hand machined from single forgings, minutely fitted, and joined by gun makers trained in Lebeau-Courally factory.
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