22 LR - 36 Grain CPHP - Browning - 400 Rounds

22 LR - 36 Grain CPHP - Browning - 400 Rounds

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About 22 LR - 36 Grain CPHP - Browning - 400 Rounds

Pow! Down goes the red squirrel. Pow! Goodbye Mister Crow. Pow! That raccoon who’s been eyeballing your trash cans? A raccoon no more. Pow pow pow! There go those three empty cans that have been bothering you. And you’ve still got 394 rounds left, because you had the foresight to order this big box of 22 LR by Browning! This cartridge features the target shooter and varmint hunter’s best friend: the copper plated hollow point projectile. Its protective exterior plating helps to keep a firearm’s barrel from fouling up too quickly, and its nose cavity delivers that expanding terminal performance which anchors varmints so quickly. Its lighter weight gives the CPHP bullet a 1,280 fps muzzle velocity when fired out of a rifle’s barrel, and it does indeed have enough pep to cycle a semi-automatic pistol or rifle. Browning’s 22 LR doesn’t just feature uniform brass cases, non-corrosive rimfire primers and clean-burning propellant. It is also made in America! Please order four boxes if you want the whole case.

Firearms Score

Firearms Review Rating 93%
3 Reviews Popularity #93813

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Brand Browning
Category Rimfire
Bullet Weight 36 Grain
Bullet Type Copper-Plated Hollow-Point (CPHP)
Ammo Casing Brass
Quantity 400
Primer Type Rimfire
Muzzle Velocity (fps) 1280
Muzzle Energy (ft lbs) 131
Attracts Magnet No

22 LR - 36 Grain CPHP - Browning - 400 Rounds Comparisons

22 LR - 36 Grain CPHP - Browning - 400 Rounds Reviews

How would you like to rate 22 LR - 36 Grain CPHP - Browning - 400 Rounds?


February 27, 2022
Firearms Review Rating 100%

Great ammo

Great ammo for target practice and varmint hunting. I have a real problem with opossums getting under porch. Fast service, in stock and very professional service. Thanks for all you do.

January 16, 2022
Firearms Review Rating 80%

Ran well thru my M&P .22

Well satisfied

July 26, 2021
Firearms Review Rating 100%

Ammo shot really good.

The ammo is affordable and good quality .

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